
Historical Church Information

Historical information on churches of the Alabama-West Florida Conference

Local Church Accessibility Survey

Is your church accessible and open to all persons? Are you concerned that you might inadvertently be keeping some people from fully participating in the spiritual and social life of your congregation? This brief survey will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Parsonage Standards and Checklist

The Book of Discipline states, “Housing provisions shall comply with Annual Conference housing policy and parsonage standards.” In order to establish a housing policy and housing standard the Annual Conference recommends three options available for the local church. The Annual Conference does not put one option above the other. The options are co-equal, depending upon the local situation.  The Charge Conference shall review the recommendations of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee regarding provision of adequate housing for the pastor(s) of a local Charge in consultation with the District Superintendent, the Charge shall choose one of these three options.

Safe Sanctuaries Digital and Online Addendum

On April 29, 2020, the AWF Board of Trustees adopted an addendum for online and digital ministry in light of COVID-19.